Barely Dead

Barely Dead is a video documentary about the underground culture of Rollerblading.

The documentary was produced by Misled Media in 2006. Misled Media also made Black Market 2005, another documentary about rollerblading not to be confused with the 2007 documentary about the illegal trade in wildlife and associated products. Both videos were directed by Doug Urquhart. The film was shot on Super16mm motion picture film and then transferred to video.Rollerblading was originally known as aggressive inline skating. This documentary, contains a short history of the inline skate, the rollerskate and the skateboard. It also covers the use of the inline skate as a training tool and the boom of companies like Senate. For the rest the documentary is a compilation of a lot of skating footage and chronicles skating from the time it became popular in the nineties to around 2005. Rollerblading had a tremendous impact as a result of the exposure of the X games. The sport had to fight for a place between BMX which was dwindling at that time and skateboarding. The popularity of rollerblading dwindled after that, the documentary tries to explain why. Critics will say that the documentary is more like a rock video promoting inline skating. The video contains many shots of professional skaters doing what they are best at. The documentary also contains old footage and TV broadcasts. There is also mention of the IMYTA I match your trick association, an informal competition among skaters. The film was shot in different places of the globe such as USA or Europe. ........

Source: Wikipedia